Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Trias Politica as a Subversive Republican Tool

The trias politica is the principle which separates three powers. It is a response to the principle that everything is unified under monarchy. The republicans did not like that they could not influence, for instance, the law because only the monarch who represented the people could do so. To infiltrate the state successfully, they had to come up with the myth that the unity of the three powers is evil. Monarchies were inhenrently people-oriented institutions; if anything is the universal ideology of monarchy, then it is the people. In stark contrast to monarchy, however, stand the republican systems; they are idea-fixated institutions.

The republican idea was originally that they could do bettr than monarchy, nay, even that anything is better than monarchy - a republican mind-set still far too common today. To get rid of monarchy, they had to come up with different cultural critiques; the whole concept of the trias politica served that purpose. Republicans today still love to make people afraid that if we do not have the trias politica, then our whole nation will descend into barbaric chaos.  We are not supposed to believe in the unity of the three powers, because according to the republicans that would be morally equivalent to believing that evil is good. Ergo, the feudalists or monarchists of yore were all evil men, women, and children who believed that left is right and right is left.

What better way was there than to make an end to the "evil" of the old feudal days than to separate the three powers as suggested by the principle of the trias politica. The culture of monarchy had to be destroyed at all costs, and limiting its power would be the way to go. In fact, the attack on monarchy was not just an attack on the monarchs, but on the people they represented as well. It was their culture that was being attacked, subverted, and destroyed. Power-hungry republicans who were simply jealous of the monarch's power and thought it belonged in their hands unfortunately got their way. However, we can learn from them to reverse what has happened and to prevent that from ever happening again. Learning from history with a clear purpose in mind is really one of the most important things to do; for it gives the power to bring about a royal revolution.

That revolution should not merely be a revolution happening in one place in the world, but the goal of a world revolution should be kept in mind; that is an important lesson from republicanism. You have to think big if you want to bring about any significant changes in the world. To focus our minds on the trias politica again, republicans essentially considered the power of monarchs unfair (to themselves). They just wanted to rule themselves, and since that desire could not be fulfilled, or at least not for the vast majority of them, they turned to destroying whatever defined the culture of monarchy and derogatively called whatever reminded them of that culture "feudal." I think that it is a good idea to use that against them; let us be feudal and proud of the fact that we are feudal.

I think that it should be utterly clear what the intended purpose of the trias politica was/is to the minds of republicans: the subversion of the power of the monarchy. I have unfortunately not so much time these days to elaborate much on my thoughts, but I hope this will suffice for my readers. I cannot be perfectionistic either due to lack of time, so forgive me for any errors you may find.